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Household Tax Logic

ABMLP-X Household taxation behavioural logic: April 2024.

Flat Rate Taxation
# Utility: Catch divide by zero error.
def zero_division(n, d):
return n / d if d else 0

def flat_tax_to_pay(self, amount, rate):
""" Flat rate tax to pay (wage and interest income). """
tax_to_pay = Decimal(0)
tax_to_pay = amount * zero_division(rate, 100)

return tax_to_pay

Marginal Rate Taxation
def marginal_tax_to_pay(self, amount):
""" Marginal rate tax to pay (wage only).

Tax Bracket 0:
No tax on any wage upto the first 50% of the historic average wage amount.

Tax Bracket 1:
Pay 60% tax on any remaining wage amount that is between 50% and 100%
of the historic average wage amount.

Tax Bracket 2:
Pay 70% tax on any remaining wage amount that exceeds 100% of the
historic average wage amount.
marginal_tax_to_pay = Decimal(0)

bracket_one_amount = Decimal(0)
bracket_two_amount = Decimal(0)

if amount <= Household.average_wage:
bracket_one_amount = amount - (Household.average_wage * Decimal(0.5))
bracket_one_amount = Household.average_wage * Decimal(0.5)
bracket_two_amount = amount - Household.average_wage

if amount > 0:
marginal_tax_to_pay = ((bracket_one_amount * Decimal(0.6))
+ (bracket_two_amount * Decimal(0.7)))

return marginal_tax_to_pay

Taxation Strategy
def tax_strategy(self, start_tax_amount):
""" Tax paid in the current step.

An amount received from either,
flat_tax_to_pay() or marginal_tax_to_pay().

To research and develop..
def alpha_strat():
# 1 == Pay 100% of the 'start_tax_amount'.
payment_percentage = Decimal(1)

return payment_percentage

def beta_strat():
# 1 == Pay 100% of the 'start_tax_amount'.
payment_percentage = Decimal(1)

return payment_percentage

def gamma_strat():
# 1 == Pay 100% of the 'start_tax_amount'.
payment_percentage = Decimal(1)

return payment_percentage

# See Producer employment by type.
strategy_by_household_type = {"alpha": alpha_strat,
"beta": beta_strat,
"gamma": gamma_strat}

end_tax_amount = Decimal(0)

strat_tax_percentage = strategy_by_household_type.get(self.type, lambda: 'Invalid')()

end_tax_amount = start_tax_amount * Decimal(strat_tax_percentage)

return end_tax_amount