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System Velocity - A Long View with Interest

The Velocity and Acceleration of Supply: New Bills at Interest

Advancing the earlier post, system velocity - a long view, the model runs from the first financial quarter of 1974 and will include interest payments on Government money assets.

Model Run Parameter Inputs

See model runs.

  • Model: ABMLP-X
  • Model Run: libra-498-07-06-2024
  • Government Expenditure: See Model Input: Real-World Expenditures from the time-series page.
  • Number of Producers: 90
  • Number of Households: 100
  • Taxation rate: 37% (Flat rate; all household agents)
  • Bond Coupon Rate: 1%
  • Interest (Base) Rate: See Model Input: Real-World Interest Rates from the time-series page.

Model Analysis Charts

  1. The velocity of Government bills issued.
  2. The acceleration of Government bills issued.
  3. The model bond price.
  4. The model bond yield