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Central Bank

class CentralBank(mesa.Agent):
"""A Central Bank agent."""

def __init__(self, rate_data, unique_id, model):
super().__init__(unique_id, model)

self.breed = "Central Bank"
self.period = 0 # Model run step.

# Importing the rates dataframe into the class.
self.rate_data = rate_data

# (rb) Rate of interest in the economy. A percentage.
self.base_rate = Decimal(0)
self.base_rate_last_step = Decimal(0)

# Current accounts
# (INTcb) Interest received on Government bills held.
self.interest_from_bills = Decimal(0)
# (Fcb) Central bank profits to distribute to Government.
self.profits = Decimal(0)

# Capital accounts
# (Bcbd) Government bills held. A residual, after household bill demands.
self.bills_demanded = Decimal(0)
# (Hs) High-powered money supplied to households.
self.high_powered_money = Decimal(0)
self.high_powered_money_last_step = Decimal(0)

Behaviour Comments and Functions
def step(self):
1 Set the rate of interest on bills.
2 Distribute profit on Government bills back to the Government. (t-1)
3 Purchase government bills surplus to household requirements. (t)
# Record the interest rate before update in this step, if any.
self.base_rate_last_step = self.base_rate

# 1
# Historic rates.
self.base_rate = Decimal(float(self.rate_data['value'].iloc[self.period]))

# 2
# Connect with the government.
government = self.model.get_agents_of_type(Government)[0]
# Interest received from government.
self.profits = abs(self.interest_from_bills)
# Distribute profit to government.
government.central_bank_profits += self.profits

# 3
(Equation 5.15) ΔHs ≡ Hs - Hs₋₁ = ΔBcb

The amount of cash money supplied by the central bank is simply equal to the
amount of bills purchased by the central bank.
self.bills_demanded = self.high_powered_money - self.high_powered_money_last_step
government.bills_issued_to_central_bank = self.bills_demanded

# Complete Central Bank actions in this step.
self.high_powered_money_last_step = self.high_powered_money

# Model step counter used for real-world base rate data.
self.period += 1