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Environment(Agent Properties)
class Environment(mesa.Agent) -> None:
"""The Environment agent."""

def __init__(self, unique_id, model):
super().__init__(unique_id, model)

self.breed = "Environment"
self.period = 0 # Model run step.

# See
# (10^21) One sextillion units of available (stock) fossil hydrocarbon energy.
self.units_stock_energy = Decimal(1000_000_000_000_000_000_000)

# Stock energy geopolitics:
# The 'ase' relates to the availability of stock (fossil hydrocarbon) energy.
# A number; from least to most available: 0.01 >= 'ase' <= 1.0.
self.availability_stock_energy = Decimal(1)

# Environment (Negative Externality):
self.cumulative_neg_externality = Decimal(0) # Use of stock energy.
# 3% of stock energy is environmental negative externality.
self.cumulative_neg_externality_rate = Decimal(0.03)

# Start with an amount of renewable energy (units).
self.flow_energy_base = Decimal(5)

# Units of available (stored) renewable energy.
self.units_flow_energy = Decimal(0)

Behaviour Comments

Environment(Agent Comments)
def step(self):
Functions (each and every step):
1. Add newly generated (renewable) energy to the mix.

# See
growth_flow_energy = Decimal(0.0388) # 3.88%

# Add newly generated (renewable / flow) energy.
self.units_flow_energy += self.flow_energy_base
self.flow_energy_base = (self.flow_energy_base + (self.flow_energy_base
* growth_flow_energy))